It is 9:30 pm, on Friday July 30, 2021 and the thermometer is reading 92° in the room! They have these metal plates over the windows that serve as heating plates turning the rooms into connection ovens. The sun beats on these iron plates all day long and the giant suction fans on the roof of the building sucks in heated air that also passes around the heated plates over the window before coming into the rooms and settling there. A few more degrees and we can bake cakes in these cells. There have been 5 people sent to the hospital (all of them from G-building, the building I wrote of how death hovers over it?) because of heat related illness. 2 came back, the rest were detained.
As I write this, I have a splitting headache that’s piercing the back of my skull. I have a cup of ice tucked between my legs to cool off the family jewels, and another bottle of water that I’m sipping from. The room has a steamy like heat that will not move even when we open the door. I sit directly under a fan set on high and I’m still sweating. As soon as they bring in ice, it is all gone, because some inmates don’t have fans and they can only find relief with the ice. I fear a heat stroke and am praying for divine intervention and some rain. Oddly today makes me 19 years in prison and how ironic it would be to bake to death on the 19th anniversary of my incarceration. There’s no help coming, no one hears our voices and sadly, no one believes that it gets that hot in these cells!!!